- المودافينيل ...أقراص الذكاء الدواء المفضل للطلاب قبيل الامتحانات
( المصدر : University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School)- رغم أن هذا العقار تم تصنيعه بشكل أساسي لإضطرابات النوم و نوب إنقطاع النفس أثناء النوم.. وعلاج التعب .. إلا أنه تم اكتشاف قدرة هذا العقار على تحسين القدرات العقلية والمعرفية..وحاليا" أصبح الدواء المفضل لدى الطلاب قبيل الإمتحانات مع نتائج ملحوظة..
- أجرى فريق من جامعة اوكسفورد وكلية الطب في هارفارد مراجعة منهجية للتقارير التي تشير لفعالية العقار في المجالات الفكرية مثل التخطيط واتخاذ القرارات والمرونة والتعلم والذاكرة والإبداع.
- وسجلت أفضل النتائج في اتخاذ القرارات والتخطيط وأقلها في الذاكرة العاملة و مرونة الافكار.
وذكرت 70% من التقارير عدم وجود تأثيرات جانبية .
والتي كان أشيعها الصداع والأرق والغثيان
- ويبدو أن استخدام هذا العقار سيثير مسألة أخلاقية فيما يخص المنافسة الدراسية في الامتحانات وذلك مثل تعاطي المنشطات لدى الرياضيين في المنافسات الرياضية
- ويعد استخدام المودافينيل شائعاً لدى طلبة الجامعات حيث اظهر بحث استطلاعي أن طالب من كل أربعة في جامعة اوكسفورد يتناول المودافينيل..
Though initially made for narcoleptics (people having trouble sleeping), many soon caught on that modafinil can enhance cognitive abilities. Right now, it’s a favorite among students who use it when preparing for exams with visible results. modafinil really seems to be a legit smart drug, according to a systematic review of reports documenting the effects of the drug. The meta-analysis was made by a team at University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School. Make me smarter The researchers looked at the studies documenting the cognitive enhancing effects of modafinil published between January 1990 and December 2014. such studies were identified which discussed modafinil cognitive benefits in areas like planning and decision making, flexibility, learning and memory, and creativity. Performance gains varied from task to task, but the longer, more complex the task was, the better the improvements. The most significant improvement was registered in decision-making and planning tasks, while the least significant dealt with working memory, or flexibility of thought. Most importantly, 70% of the studies reported little to no side effects. Some, however, found that participants showed insomnia, headache, stomach ache or nausea. The researchers point out, however, that these reported side effects were observed in the placebo group as well. that the type of test used to assess modafinil’s cognitive benefits has changed over the last few decades. In the past, people were using very basic tests of cognition, developed for neurologically-impaired individuals. In contrast, more recent studies have, in general, used more complex tests: when these are used, it appears that modafinil more reliably enhances cognition: in particular ‘higher’ brain functions that rely on contribution from multiple simple cognitive processes,” said Dr. Ruairidh McLennan Battleday, a University of Oxford researcher. The researchers seem confident to label modafinil as the world’s first ever confirmed cognitive enhancing drug. there’s an ethical consideration. Is it okay to take a cognitive enhancing drug in the absence of a cognitive disability? Some might see it like cheating. On a competitive level, modafinil could definitely be seen as cheating. In the UK, modafinil is already quite popular among university students who couldn’t wait for an ‘official’ word. A survey by Oxford University student newspaper The Tab found one in four students took modafinil. Just like some body builders and athletes use supplements to enhance their physical performance, some might decide to take cognitive enhancers for their brain.